Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Dear everyone,
I've just been trying to catch up on life via this incredible multi media format. and i cannot find words to express my gratitude to you all. I am totally overwhelmed by the countless messages of love and good wishes that have poured through the internet. it takes my breath away! These past few weeks have turned our lives upside d0wn and inside out it's true, but with so much love and support, friendship and kindness from all over world, how can I fail to get better!
We have a wonderful team of doctors, who we are going to see today at lunchtime to discuss the care plan from here and so the journey to health and a better life has begun.
I am grateful to each and everyone of you for your unbelievable interest, input and positivity. I love your energy and thrive on all this attention so keep it coming, it's a lifeline to us all.

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