Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hi everyone

Trevor here: Dad and I just spent the morning with Mom. She's been bumped up to a private room by the staff who are being amazing and helpful. Oncology has studied the tumor and discovered its a grade 4 (which means its fast acting). We're meeting with the Ocologist tomorrow when we hope to be told how much chemo will be needed and how often.

As for how Mom's feeling, she's been unplugged from the drips and stuff and she made her first steps in 3 days across the room and back. She's feeling more and more coordinated every day. Doc says she might come home as early as the weekend which will be brilliant.

We've added a new gallery if you hadn't seen of Mom's hair being cut and then one or two of us in the hospital afterwards. In fact pretty much every page has been updated in some way. Mom wanted me to let everyone know that her clinic and her classes are continuing in her absence. Lorna is taking over the night classes starting next month and there is a highly capable sister on hand during clinics to handle immunisations. And of course the lovely Jolene who has been brilliant is there.

Mom's resting now but we'll see her later and I'll post more tomorrow once we've spoken to the oncologist.


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