Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunday...beautiful Sunday

What an absolutely brilliant day today! Saturday was by far the lowest point in her recovery. Joy was so nauseous on Saturday that Rodger Melvill came to see her, gave her some pain control and her first cortisone since the op, and that seemed to help. Today she was bright and cheery again and we all went for a wheelchair excursion out into the hospital's picturesque garden. It was a gorgeous sunny day and Lucie did her nails. Joy was wonderfully animated and we had a few fun hours chatting and laughing in the unusually warm winter sunshine. We took a laptop and showed her your incredibly supportive messages. They mean so much to her. A few quick visitors and an early supper and Joy was ready for sleep.
We are hoping to have her back home by Tuesday and there seems to be every possibility of this happening. Joy gets tired easily so we will need to work out some sort of system for visitors and just know that you will understand. Give us a call (0834127838) if you want to drop by or just wait until she's feeling stronger. We will of course let you all know as soon as she's able.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Joy,
I saw you with my own eyes today and you looked BEAUTIFUL, RADIANT, HAPPY, YOUTHFUL and just LOVELY.
And that was a wonderful vision.
I do hope that you are able to keep that bounce and inner strength for a long time to come.