Friday, May 25, 2007

Neil: There really is no easy way to put this. Dr Georgina McAdam (our oncologist) feels that, given the type of tumour and the level of agression displayed by it, chances of a complete recovery, are very very slim. We sat, shellshocked as she outlined her opinion and our treatment options. Joy was adament. She feels that, whatever time is left her on the planet, it is to be lived with as much positivity (and joy) as possible. As things now stand, Joy comes home early next week and treatment (radiation and chemo), begin in a fortnight

Trevor: This sparked the most dramatic improvement in Mom's condition since hospitalisation so far. I walked into her room later today and found her walking all by herself. She regained strength and confidence and effortlessly displayed the will of someone given a new lease on life. Mom instantly made plans for the whole family to meet in Greece soon. Thank you again to all who have left messages on this site. We read every one to her. Your love and support is humbling.

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