Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tomorrow Tomorrow...... Oncology

Who would have thought that going to the loo twice in one day on your feet would have been an achivement to both blogg and brag about? Well it was ... and it is! I think its a dignity thing mostly, and hey, who am I to question that? Tomorrow Friday 11am when. apart from Dr Melvill, we get to see Dr Georgina MacAdam. Probably doesn't mean much to most of you out there but, if you spoke to my friend Rolf Andrews (one of the founder members of her fan club) he would tell you a thing or two about both her dedication and her abilities. So, as I said, here we are, entrusting our destinies, the rest of our lives, to certainly, two of the most highly recomended people of all time. They are going to tell us what do (and how to do it) from here on in. To all of you out there, your constant messages are a source of inspiration. Please don't stop them coming and give us a thought tomorrow when we break new ground and learn to take our medicine as they deem fit. Lotsalove Joy and the team

1 comment:

JHB said...

Our prayers are with you.

The Barrington's